JULI 2024

JuLY 2020

40th company anniversary

When Elmar Müller founded Müller Plastik GmbH with his wife Marlies on June 1st, 1980, he hardly suspected that 40 years later his company would grow from "one" employee to 190 employees and that his products would be delivered beyond the borders of Europe .

Future- and customer-oriented action and high quality standards were a guarantee for celebrating this anniversary. We are proud of our success, which we owe to those who trusted us - our customers, employees and partners.

JulY 2019

Image Movie Müller Plastik GmbH

Müller Plastik GmbH – Wir verkabeln die Welt

March 2019

Mayor of the city of Wipperfürth visits Müller Plastik GmbH

On February the 22nd 2019, the mayor of the City of Wipperfürth Michael von Rekowski and the representatives of economic development . ( Dirk Kremer - I. alderman of the city of Wipperfürth and Mery Kausemann - economic development,  WEG mbh and Citymanagment) visited our company.

The pleasant conversation ended with a tour through our new production area producing charging cables for electric vehicles. During the dialogue both sides assured their support for future projects.

March 2019

German language course at Müller Plastik GmbH

A few weeks ago Müller Plastik began to offer a German language course for their employees once a week.  By offering a German language course on their own premises Müller Plastik wants to promote the integration of new employees. This results in a “Win-Win-Situation” and a perspective for employee and company.

Between 10 and 15 employees take part in the weekly German course. The employees come from different nations such as Nigeria, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Guinea or Mali.

Despite different starting positions all pupils already improved their linguistic skills. Unfortunately almost all government-supported German courses take place in the morning. Therefore all employees welcome the offered German course in the afternoon. The linguistic training can be done parallel to the work routine.

February 2019

Müller Plastik GmbH – virtual booth

From now on you will find the products of company Müller Plastik at the virtual industrial fair "DirectIndustry". 

The website, which is available in several languages, attracts thousands of visitors every day. Through the virtual booth on this internationally recognized B2B website, we would like to further expand our international business contacts.

We are looking forward to welcome you at our stand.

For a direct link to our exhebition stand please click the picture below. 

FebruarY 2019

Step in the right direction: We modernize our power cord production

Structure change in our cutting department. Old machines will be removed and replaced by modern high quality machines from company Schleuniger.

The new cutting machines are faster, more precise and easier to handle. They enable us to process almost every kind of cable types. The common flexible types like H05VV-F, H07RN-F, H05SS-F, H07BQ-F etc. up to a cross- section of 120mm². Even special cables like ribbon-, coaxial- or shielded cables can be handled. This gives us the opportunity to be more flexible in our production planning for our cord sets and simplifies the process flow.  

You are interested in high quality power cords?

Contact us!

January 2019

press report: "Unternehmen aus Wipperfürth - Müller Plastik fertigt Kabel für die ganze Welt"

Müller Plastik GmbH in the "Bergische-Landeszeitung". 

Here you can find the whole report.

January 2019

Product presentation: "Master Connector IP68" - cable connector

protect every cable connection quickly and safely


The „Master Connector IP68“- cable coupler simplifies a fast connection of two 2-wire, 3-wire, or 5-wire cable. 

Because of a lamella-type construction which adapts the seals to the cable the “Master Connector” is able to connect different cable diameters. The lamella construction is a secure strain relief and a seal which grants a protection class of IP68.

Due to its high protection class, our “Master Connector IP68” is especially well-suitable for use in outdoor locations. Furthermore he can be used for universal connection and repair work of cables with an outer diameter of 6 to 13 mm. (up to H07RN-F 3G2.5mm² or 5G1.5mm²)

The following documents can be provided:

  • Product pictures
  • data sheets
  • VDE-certificates
  • advertising poster with application examples
  • package insert
  • picture of the positioner

For further information please contact our sales team! 

January 2019

Expansion of the production area in Wipperfürth, Kreuzberg

On 31st October 2018, we successfully completed the construction work to expand our production area.

The primary objective of the extension was the improvement of the production process in the business units Industry, Automotive and pluggable electric installations. Shorter internal transport distances and an optimized quality control are just two examples of the overall optimization. With the improvement of the entire manufacturing process, specific capacities for further custom products such as plugs, plug-in-devices, moulded grommets or connectors according to individual customers specifications have been created.

At the same time Müller Plastik is increasing their tool and machinery park. Because of the growing worldwide demand for electric vehicles new employees for the production of the charging cables have been hired.  

Müller Plastik will continue to stand by your side as a reliable and competent partner in the area of cable assembly and injection moulding of hybrid parts.

October 2018

We wire the world!

September 2018

New apprentices at Müller Plastik GmbH in Wipperfürth - Kreuzberg, Germany

This year we have hired 4 new apprentices in sales, toolmaking and production. 

Dean Robin Paes / 
industrial business management assistant

Henry Hedfeld / 
tool production

Sayed Ali Asghar Hashimi / machine and systems operator

Ronaldo Hoxha / 
machine and systems operator

The activities are exciting, varied and challenging. Constant advancement is the focus of our training philosophy and comprehensive knowledge is imparted in the course of the training. 

Integration into work and training

Under the motto "Integration of fugitives in work and training", Müller Plastik wants to support social integration and the transition from school to work. 

For this reason, two of the new trainees have a migration background:
Sayed Ali Asghar Hashimi and Ronaldo Hoxha

In order to integrate people with a migration background and to help them participate in community activities and goods, we see it as an important prerequisite and as a necessary task to make the labour market accessible for these people, because a secure job provides social prestige, social relationships and a secure income. 

Because of persecution, war and other emergencies, many people are currently leaving their homes to seek shelter. A successful integration into work and education is one of the major tasks when turning refuge into successful immigration. 

The goal is a win-win situation - targeted support programmes and good integration help the trainees in their development.

We would like to welcome our 4  new trainees and look forward to an interesting and successful cooperation. 

Müller Plastik GmbH


July 2018


In cooperation with Bergische Energie und Wasser GmbH (BEW), 
Müller Plastik realizes the first public charging station for electric cars in Wipperfürth - Kreuzberg,  the company's location.

In this joint project, Müller Plastik acts as sponsor for the electric charging station. BEW was responsible for the construction and commissioning of the charging station.

The BEW will also be responsible for later invoicing of the refuelling process.

Find out more about BEW's current offers on the subject of electromobility at:

Müller Plastik GmbH has been dealing with the subject of electromobility since 2012. Müller Plastik develops and produces high quality connecting cables, with temperature monitoring functionality integrated in the plug, which has the ability to communicate with an In-Cable Control Box (ICCB) installed by our customers. 

The connecting cables are already used by many automotive manufacturers all over the world. 

With over 35 years of experience in the field of plastic/injection moulding of hybrid parts, you can also count on us as a competent partner for your project.