Mode 3 EV-Charging-cable - 

to "fill up" at public charging stations or at the home charging station or wall box

The car charging cable from Müller Plastik is the perfect companion for every e-car owner and should be part of the basic equipment of every electric or plug-in hybrid car. 

Our Type 2 plugs are 100% made in Germany using high-quality materials. From 1-phase 20A to 3-phase 32A, we manufacture a cable for you according to your specifications. On request also with your own label.

1 Phase / 20A


1. side

2. side



921087Type 2 Plug QC/P 203Typ 2 Coupling QC/C 203H07BZ5-F 3G2.5+1x0.54 Meter
921160Type 2 Plug QC/P 203Typ 2 Coupling QC/C 203H07BZ5-F 3G2.5+1x0.56 Meter
951188Type 2 Plug QC/P 203Typ 2 Coupling QC/C 203H07BZ5-F 3G2.5+1x0.58 Meter

3 Phasen / 20A


1. side1.Seite

2. side



921195Type 2 Plug QC/P 203Typ 2 Coupling QC/C 203H07BZ5-F 5G2.5+1x0.54 Meter
921196Type 2 Plug QC/P 203Typ 2 Coupling QC/C 203H07BZ5-F 5G2.5+1x0.58 Meter

1 Phase / 32A


1. side

2. side



921197Type 2 Plug QC/P 203Typ 2 Coupling QC/C 203H07BZ5-F 3G6.0+1x0.54 Meter
921198Type 2 Plug QC/P 203Typ 2 Coupling QC/C 203H07BZ5-F 3G6.0+1x0.58 Meter

3 Phasen / 32A


1. side

2. side



921302Type 2 Plug QC/P 203Typ 2 Coupling QC/C 203H07BZ5-F 5G6.0+1x0.54 Meter
921303Type 2 Plug QC/P 203Typ 2 Coupling QC/C 203H07BZ5-F 5G6.0+1x0.56 Meter
921304Type 2 Plug QC/P 203Typ 2 Coupling QC/C 203H07BZ5-F 5G6.0+1x0.58 Meter

Other lengths on request. We can also offer your cables with your label or logo by using a laser printing process.


  • Made in Germany 
  • Silver-plated contacts ensure top conductivity
  • Extremely robust connector/coupling housing 
  • High quality cable material

Data-sheets of plug and coupling

Länderspezifische Varianten sind ebenso realisierbar wie Sondersteckerleitungen wie Zugentlastungs- und Tüllenlösungen. Wir kümmern uns schnell und flexibel um Kundenwünsche, gehen auf Ihre Bedürfnisse ein und setzen Sonderanfertigungen zeitnah um. Müller Plastik ist nach ISO 9001 zertifiziert, sodass Sie sich auf erstklassige Qualität mit einer hohen Funktionalität und Langlebigkeit verlassen können.

Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem kompetenten Lieferanten für Spezialanfertigungen im Bereich Kabel, Verteiler und Stecker sind, freuen wir uns auf Ihre Anfrage. Gerne beraten wir Sie ausführlich und finden gemeinsam die passende Lösung.

Plugs and couplings made in Germany. Electricity made by wind and water. That's what's going to happen with the energy transition. And you can help shape them. 

They are durable, weatherproof, stable and extremely easy to handle: Type 2 plugs and couplings from Müller Plastik in Wipperfürth are made for continuous use. Made from the highest quality materials and to the latest standards, you can use the plugs for many, many years and a few thousand charging cycles. Especially since they are 100 percent safe. In wind and weather, in heat and frost. 

And if you want to get it right when it comes to energy transition, use green electricity from the grid, which is generated from wind and hydropower. It's not much more expensive than coal-fired power, but it really rounds off home charging. Just talk to your local energy supplier!