CEE plugs shell version

M016.6.P 5-pole shell version

CEE plug acc. to EN 60309, part 1 + 2
red coding, 6h
for three-phase current 380-480V

M016.6.P 5-pole phase changing switch

CEE plug acc. to EN 60309, part 1 + 2
red coding, 6h
for three-phase current 380-480V

CEE plug shell version - extruded CEE plug - assembled CEE plug - assembled CEE sockets - M016.6.P 5-pin shell version - M016.6.P 5-pin phase inverter.

Various CEE plugs for industry. For Müller Plastik, industry is another important customer. 

The plug system CEE plug and CEE coupling is a simple and safe connection. They are suitable wherever higher currents are used. 

Talk to us, we are happy to be there for you!